Online Gambling – Choosing an Online Poker Moniker

Online Gambling - Choosing an Online Poker Moniker

If you’ve ever played poker online, you’ve probably noticed some great names around the virtual table. You’ve also probably noticed some really lame ones. Choosing a good moniker can help you to last longer at the table and even make new friends, while a bad one can make you a target in more ways than one. It’s best to put a little thought into your online poker name before you join the table.

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Too Much Information

One common mistake people make with online poker names is giving too much information. For instance, “BobSMithSS#111-11-1111” is probably not a very good choice. Steer clear from anything that includes personal information, including your real name. You don’t want to take someone’s chips only to find out that they’ve taken your identity.

Wimpy Nicknames

Let’s face it, poker is a war. A name like “Cuddlebear32” or “Bunnies&Kittens4ever” will probably not strike fear in the heart of your opponents, at least not until you’ve proven yourself. If your reputation as such a great and ruthless player is such that your moniker of “Fuzzyloveywumpykins” causes people to cash in their chips and find another table, then I salute you. Otherwise, you should probably find a tougher name.

Names That Invite Challenge

You can go too far in choosing a tough nickname, too. When you go with a name like “Yourchipswillbemine78” or “Yourwifefeltgreatlastnight69,” there are probably going to be a few people looking to bust you out early just so they can laugh about it, or just because seeing your name on their screen irritates them. Names with profanity or implied profanity also seem to get attacked early.

Good Names

So, what’s left? Funny names are good, names like “Theguyonyourright101” or “Doeslowcardwin16” might get a chuckle or two and probably won’t incite too many to poker violence. Names from movies are okay, too, and could start a nice side conversation. Sometimes an in joke can be good, too, or a long-forgotten childhood nickname. Poker names are always nice, although it gets a little tiresome to see a “Takemetotheriver” or “Acehigh” at every table. Above all else, make sure to pick a name that you will be comfortable seeing every time you log on.


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